Sunday, 6 March 2016

Meet The Author 06/03/2016

K. A. Cross presents....

Lynne Stringer

About Lynne

Lynne Stringer has been passionate about writing all her life, beginning with short stories in her primary school days. She began writing professionally as a journalist and was the editor of a small newspaper (later magazine) for seven years, before turning her hand to screenplay writing and novels. Lynne currently works as a professional editor and proofreader. She lives in Australia with her husband and young son. 
Lynne is the author of the Verindon trilogy, a young adult science fiction romance series. The first book, The Heir, was release in June 2013, followed by The Crown and The Reign, which completed the trilogy. Later this year will see the release of her latest work, a YA contemporary drama entitled Once Confronted.

Want to know more?

1. When did you first realise you wanted to be a writer?
When I was four I decided I wanted to be a writer, although the year before, I'd decided I wanted to be an actress and that remained the dominant desire for much of my youth. However, I was too shy to try and get into acting professionally, so gradually writing took over as the dominant desire. I think both desires were motivated by the same source - I like to tell stories. 

2. What's your favourite thing about being a writer? 

Allowing other people to experience the worlds inside my head and finding out that they love them too!
3. Do you ever base your characters on people you know?
The female protagonist in my trilogy is based a little on myself. I think all my protagonists have a piece of me in them. I haven't based any other character on anyone else, though. 

4. Do you ever wish that some of your characters were real? 

Yes. I'd love it if Dan, the male protagonist in the Verindon trilogy, was real. There's also a character in another one of my stories that I wish was real. His name is Will and he's a loveable guy. 

5. Do you plan out your books or do you just go with the flow? 

I find writing outlines boring so I usually charge in and start writing. I do have an outline of sorts in my head before I begin, but sometimes the characters tell me that something different is going to happen and I tend to follow their lead. 

6. What’s your favourite genre? 

Young adult is my favourite, especially if it's mixed with fantasy or science fiction. I also like historical novels, and just about everything I read has at least a touch of romance in it. 

7. What’s next for you? 

I've just had another novel accepted for publication. It's a contemporary drama and is called Once Confronted. It's about a girl who's the victim of a violent crime and needs to learn to forgive her attackers. It's due for release in September/October 2016.
8. What advice would you give to someone just starting out? 

Don't race into it, especially if you're going to self-publish. Take your time and get it right the first time. There's nothing worse than putting out a poor quality book because you haven't done your homework, and ruining your reputation as an author because of it. And make sure you find a professional editor and take their comments and suggestions seriously. 

9. What’s your favourite movie? 

E.T. -The Extra-Terrestrial. It's been my favourite movie ever since I saw it when I was eleven. 

10. What’s your favourite season and why? 

Autumn. I don't like summer because of the heat, but I don't like it too cold either. Autumn is just right. 

11. How do you handle writers' block? 

I'll write anyway, even if it's complete rubbish. Sometimes it can help you get your mojo back and you can always go back and fix up the bad bits later on. 

12. If you weren’t a writer what would your dream job be? 

Professional editor, which is what I am paid to do! :-) 

13. Sweet or sour? 


14. Would you prefer a quiet night in or a night on the town? 

Definitely a quiet night at home. 

15. For many of us writing is not our full time job, what is yours? 

I'm a mother full time, and a professional editor part time. Only one of them I get paid for! 

The heir

Sarah hates the prestigious high school she attends. Most of the other students ignore her. The only good thing about school is the presence of Dan Bradfield, the boy she adores. Dan is the heir to his father's multinational computer company, but he is dating Sarah's best friend, Jillian. When tragedy strikes, Dan is the one who is there for Sarah, but she can't shake the feeling there is something strange about him. Is he protecting her from something? Is there something going on that she doesn't know about? And did she really see a monster in the bushes? Sarah is desperate to uncover the truth, but it could take her to another galaxy, and change everything she believes about who she is. Will it bring Dan and Sarah closer together or tear them apart? The Heir is the first book in the Verindon Trilogy. 

Buy it here:

Still want to know more?
You can find Lynne here:

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