Sunday, 12 April 2015

Meet The Author

K. A. Cross presents...

S. Nicole Johnson

About Stephany

Stephany has always loved to read and write. She can spend a whole day with a book and be completely happy. She thoroughly enjoys getting lost in books and tends to get so into them she forgets about everything around her. She is definitely one of those people who throws books when something horrible happens to her favorite character and then of course has to finish it even if she's angry. 

She used to write a little when she was younger, but she really began to get into it while she was going to school and her husband was in Afghanistan. She wrote mostly as a hobby, a way to relieve stress after long days. After a few months, it turned into more and now it is a part of her daily routine.

Her only hope is that her stories are enjoyed as much as she enjoyed writing them. 

Want to know more?

1. When did you first realise you wanted to be a writer?

I've always liked writing, but I really got into it when my husband went to Afghanistan in 2013. It was then that I really go into writing, as a way to relax. 

2. In what kind of environment do you work best in?
It really depends on what I'm writing. If it's a fight scene I like to listen to rock music so I can feel as pumped up as my characters. Most other times I just need some sort of background noise. 

3. What's your favourite thing about being a writer?
I have an extremely over active imagination and I love being able to bring it life. 

4. How did you come up with the idea for your latest book?
I was sitting around in my garage with my two best friends and between the three of us we came up with it. We were pretty proud of ourselves, our heads only grew bigger when it got published. 

5. Do you ever base your characters on people you know?
I don't think you can avoid it. My brain tries to come up with original characters with personalities all their own, but when you're surrounded by friends and family with such strong personalities, it's hard not to slip them in there. I like it though, I like sharing my real world with my fiction world. 

6. Do you ever wish that some of your characters were real?
To me, my characters are already real. So I think it would be awesome if some of their traits could be real, like changing into a wolf or having some other supernatural ability. 

7. What do your family and friends think about your book/s?
My friends love my writing, they were the ones who pushed me to try to get my work published. My family didn't know much about my writing until it was published, but they enjoy it also. 

8. Do you plan out your books or do you just go with the flow?
I usually plan the ending and work out that. I always know how it's going to end, it's everything in-between that surprises me.

9. Who is your favourite author?
James Patterson 

10. What’s your favourite genre?
I don't know if I have a favorite. I'll read just about anything if it's done well. 

11. What’s next for you?
My second book was just released and now I need to buckle down and get to work on the third book in The Guardian series. 
12. What advice would you give to someone just starting out?
When you can't write, read. I find that reading sometimes opens up my mind when it's blocked. 
13. What’s your favourite movie?
Fired Up

14.  What your guilty pleasure?

15. What’s your favourite season and why?
Summer. I absolutely love being outside and I hate being cold. I feel like possibilities are endless during the summer. 

16. Do you have a nickname?
Sadly no, but I should probably get one. 

17. How do you handle writers block?
I read. I either re-read what I have written, or I read something completely unrelated to what I'm writing to clear my mind out. 

18.  What’s your favourite writing snack/ drink?
Diet Mt. Dew and Jelly beans. It's a sick obsession.
19. How do you cope with distractions?
Not well. I'm easily distracted and I usually allow myself to be. 
20. What would be your ideal holiday?
Camping at a lake with a fast boat, big tubes, and lots of friends. 
21. Sweet or sour?

22. What three words best describe you?
Sarcastic, dedicated, loyal 

23. What has been the best day of your life so far?
I think it's a toss up between the day I got married and the day my son was born. 

24. Do you believe in fate?

The Guardians: Earth
Werewolves are gorgeous model like men that turn into majestic wolves. Vampires can control themselves so that they can be with a human without drinking from them. Fairies are cute little winged creatures that fly around and do sweet things. Witches are one with nature and they can do amazing things with their magic. Demons stay in Hell. 
Um, No. 
Werewolves are mean vicious things that turn every full moon and kill at least one person, and that’s on a slow night. Vampires can’t control themselves for shit, they eat everything from animal to humans, and nothing can change that. Fairies are mean, chaos creating punks that enjoy other’s pain. Witches can be decent, but if they tap into the wrong power they can really ruin your day. Demons walk the earth. Everything you thought you knew is so wrong, luckily, the world has us to keep it all in check. We are The Guardians.

Buy it here:

Still want to know more?
You can find Stephany here:

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